Pela Terra (For The Earth) is a biennial event that takes place in the village of Idanha-a-Velha. During the first weekend of May, Pela Terra will provide, through art and culture, a place to deepen our relationship with the soil, ecosystems, the forest and agriculture.
Through community celebration, we will share our attention and care for the earth. We aim to inspire and communicate the ideas and values of regenerative culture, so that together we can dream and co-create the future of Idanha-a-Velha.
To this end, Pela Terra presents a series of artistic interventions ranging from performances, walks, exhibitions, landscape interventions and workshops so that we can be and relate to the land. These interventions are created by eight artists who will be in residence at various times during the year, drawing inspiration from the spirit of the village, the community and the place.
In addition to the interventions in the village activated by the artists, we will gather around food, dancing, music and will have a round table to think and reflect on the meeting, where everyone will be invited to participate and celebrate. There will also be a local market with gastronomy and local products showcasing the region's know-how.
Pela Terra is a cultural project embedded in the local context, valuing the intersection of ancestral and contemporary practices and ways of doing things. It will take place for the second time in May 2025 and is part of a larger project for the ecological regeneration of this territory - Idanha-à-Vida.